weight loss diet for healthy weightloss result

Workable Weight Loss Diets

Ask about weight loss tips and you will be flooded with a number of remedies. Search about the same on internet and you will witness a number of websites claiming 100% result weight loss diets.

In such a scenario, it gets difficult to choose the one, which will work in your favor. In order to simplify your weight loss problem, a group of experts from India has clubbed most beneficial diets.

Fats are not always bad for health. There are fats, which are good for health and those are mono and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are best when it comes to weight loss and maintaining the reduced weight.

Moreover, there are certain food items that help weight loss as well as maintain energy. Avocado is said to beneficial for insulin maintenance and extra virgin oil is said to be effective in burning brown fat.

One of the best weight loss diets that work for weight loss is fruits and vegetables. It is said that eating at least eight portions of the same is great for body. In addition, it has been said that almonds are great for weight loss and are great source of protein and fats and a perfect snack for mid-day for good result in weight loss without having to use weight loss drug.

News Source: http://topnews.net.nz/

decrease fat consumption can help in weight loss

Reducing fat intake leads to weight loss, smaller waists

By Stephanie Leveene, medwireNews Reporter

Reducing fat intake leads to reduced body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference in adults over the long term, even when weight loss is not the intended outcome, according to a meta-analysis published in the BMJ.

From a public health perspective, these findings give credence to efforts to decrease total fat intake to less than 30% of energy intake, with the potential to reduce related mortality.

"The effect on health of an individual reducing his or her body weight by 1.6 kg is likely to be small, but the effects of a whole population doing so would be noticeable," say Lee Hooper (Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK) and co-authors.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group subgroup on diet and health assessed the relationship between total fat intake and body weight with a view to updating WHO guidelines. Hooper and colleagues assessed 33 controlled trials that measured interventions to reduce total fat intake but were not specifically weight loss studies. Study durations were a minimum of 26 weeks and a maximum of 8 years.

Participants in these studies were randomly assigned to participate in one of two arms: lower fat intake or usual fat intake. The mean effect of the decreased amount of total fat intake was a weight loss of 1.57 kg in the lower-fat group compared with controls. Each 1% reduction in energy was associated with a 0.19-kg reduction in body weight.

Significant reductions in BMI (−0.51 kg/m2) and waist circumference (−0.30 cm) were also seen in those with lower fat intake, as well as improvements in blood pressure and total cholesterol.

Hooper et al say that similar effects were noted in children and adolescents, but the sample size of that population was small.

They note that there is a need for high-quality trials examining the effect on body weight of reducing fat intake in children, especially in developing or transitional countries where total fat intake is more than 30% of energy.

Licensed from medwireNews with permission from Springer Healthcare Ltd. ©Springer Healthcare Ltd. All rights reserved. Neither of these parties endorse or recommend any commercial products, services, or equipment.

News Source: http://www.news-medical.net/

weight loss resolution and effect on your health

Why having weight loss resolution may be bad for your health

Every year many Canadians will pledge to start the year off by losing some weight to get healthier. There is plenty of evidence to show that losing weight can improve your blood pressure, blood sugar and even your cholesterol rates. Losing weight and being healthy, however, are not the same thing.

You can get healthier without losing weight, and for some, losing weight may actually be bad for your health.

When an individual loses weight, they will lose fat mass, but some of that weight loss comes from muscle mass. Muscle mass burns many more calories than fat, and accounts for a large proportion of the energy we burn even at rest. In other words, loss of muscle mass may be counterproductive to long-term weight loss goals.

Also, when an individual loses weight, their body will try to protect the body weight by decreasing the number of calories the body burns (a change in metabolic rate).

These two factors help to explain why so many of us might find it difficult to continue to lose weight after a while, and why more than 90 per cent of individuals who lose weight will regain that weight within a few years.

If that isn't bad enough, there is evidence to suggest that individuals who try to lose weight and repeatedly fail will have greater weight gain over time than individuals who do not try to lose weight at all.

This weight cycling or yo-yo dieting has also been linked to higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and higher death rates. Reasons for this are still unclear, but research suggests that unless you can keep the weight off, dieting may have negative effects on your health.

Why is it so difficult to maintain weight loss over the long term?

One of the reasons is that many individuals approach weight loss as a quick fix. Done correctly, weight loss should be a lifelong process and not a short term goal.

For example, after losing the weight, an individual cannot return to the lifestyle that led them to their elevated weight in the first place since this would only lead them back to their original weight -- or higher.

Those who struggle with their weight need to explore underlying causes first, which will help to explain the reasons for their struggle.

Factors that might contribute to weight gain include certain medication use, exposure to environmental pollutants, too much ambient light exposure or sleep deprivation.

But even stressing about your weight can trigger cravings for high fat and high sugar foods and exacerbate weight gain.

There is some good news, however.

There is actually a subset of the population who appear to be perfectly healthy despite an elevated body weight.

Research is undecided about the long-term health consequences for these individuals, but it has been suggested that weight loss may not benefit their health. In fact, one important study shows that weight loss might make their health worse.

So, thinking of losing weight in the new year?

Consider first why you want to lose weight and whether or not you have the right approach. All weight-loss methods require time, effort or money and the health benefits aren't guaranteed even if you are successful in achieving your weight-loss goals.

So what should you do?

Here's what the research to-date tells us. If you want to start the new year off by getting healthier, get active, eat better, try not to gain any more weight and don't stress about the small stuff.

If you want to lose weight, try something that you can sustain for the rest of your life -- and remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Jennifer L. Kuk is an expert adviser with EvidenceNetwork.ca and associate professor in the school of kinesiology and Health Science at York University.

--Troy Media

Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition December 22, 2012 A15

NEWS SOURCE: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/

hCGTreatments,Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Develops Industry Leading Weight Loss App for Apple Platform

Weight loss apps for mobile devices are the newest technological advancement in dieting. Diet Doc developed an industry leading mobile app to guide clients during their weight transformation.
Los Angeles.

The dieting industry has begun to more intricately incorporate technology into their operating procedures, realizing the potential of mobile apps for weight loss centered on the ability to track progress and provide quick information regarding dietary choices. 

Grasping this trend earlier than most, Diet Doc recently revamped their weight loss app to include a larger database of food information, more detailed meal planning and calorie tracking, and handy reminders alerting dieters of key dietary tasks throughout the day, like drinking more water or eating scheduled meals. 

The leader in hCG diets teamed up with a leader in mobile apps, Apillicious to design this intuitive dieting tool. This mobile app further lends accountability to dieters struggling with poor decision making, allowing them to review their food choices and pre-plan meals in order to pre evaluate calorie, fat, carbohydrate, and other nutrition content whose monitoring is imperative if results are to be had. 

The Diet Doc App allows users to monitor their diet through all 4 phases, counting calories, proteins, and allowing users to monitor every nuance of their diet. 

The Diet Doc app contains over 30 individual and unique features, including an extensive 5,000+ food database to give dieters information about the most common diet friendly foods, daily meal planning and supplement tracking, calculating time remaining until the users goal weight is achieved, and many more intuitive weight management features.
  •     To view a list of all features available with this mobile diet app, visit Apple's itunes store here: iTunes
The Diet Doc diet App is intended to help clients reach their weight loss goals quickly, and provide a tangible reference for learning how to maintain healthy habits and long term weight management. 

This app is capable of guiding dieters through the initial phase of losing weight, and offers continual support through lifelong weight maintenance, providing a useful reference for nutritional values and accountability to prevent poor dietary decisions

Diet Doc is the nation's leader in prescription only, pure hCG weight loss plans, offering the most comprehensive and successful collection of prescription and non-prescription diet products and services. For over a decade, Diet Doc has been producing the most effective results, safely and at a fraction of the cost of expensive alternatives. 

Pricing plans are available to fit even the tightest budget, making weight loss affordable for anyone nationwide via the most advanced Telehealth system in America.

Follow on Twitter:    https://twitter.com/DietDoc10
Friend on Facebook:     http://www.facebook.com/dietdochcg

how to tackle weight loss resolutions

                                                 5 ways to tackle weight loss resolutions

TORONTO - Hands up everyone who plans to start the new year with a resolution about weight. Yup, that's a lot of hands.

As everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, it's not an easy pledge to fulfill. Time and temptation trip you up regularly. "I am going to" becomes "I should" becomes "I meant to" with distressingly predictable ease of weightloss.

Chances are it won't be less hard this time. There are no magic bullets for weight loss.

But there are a few things you can do to help yourself along. A few low-hanging fruit, as it were, of weight loss or weight control.

With the help of Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an Ottawa-based weight loss expert, and Dr. Arya Sharma, who holds a chair in obesity research and management at the University of Alberta, we're going to tell you about five:

1. Cut the calories you drink. Yes, drink. People routinely forget about the calories in the fluids they imbibe, be it fruit juices, specialty coffees or alcohol, the doctors say. Unlike solid snacks, liquid calories don't fill you up. They don't trigger the brain's impulse to compensate by eating less later.

"If you drink 300 calories before your meal, you're not going to eat 300 less calories at your meal," says Freedhoff, whose book Why Diets Fail And How to Make Yours Work is coming out in April.

Nevertheless, drinks can hold plenty of calories. Look at Starbucks' non-fat caffe mocha. A tall — oxymoronically one of the smallest servings Starbucks sells — contains 170 calories, and that's only if you ask them to hold the whipped cream, according to a calorie count on the chain's website. That's more than the calories in a five-ounce glass of white wine (sauvignon blanc), according to a nutrient database on the website of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

While we're on the topic of alcohol, that is also a calorie source people often forget or underestimate, Sharma says. Depending on the serving size and the type of wine, a couple of glasses before dinner could run you 300 to 400 calories, he says: "That's a whole meal."

Despite the calories, alcoholic beverages don't come with nutritional labelling on their containers. "A can of Coke, at least I know what's in there because it says the number on the can. But when I drink a bottle of wine I have no idea how many calories I'm drinking," Sharma says.

2. Get more sleep. The scientific evidence is piling up that society's sleep deficit is contributing to the obesity epidemic. Study after study shows a link between too little sleep and weight gain.

In part it's an issue of opportunity: A sleeping person can't eat. Put another way, the more time you are awake, the more opportunity you have to consume calories.

But it goes beyond that, says Freedhoff. Science is still figuring this stuff out, but it looks like having too little sleep has an impact on the production of stress and hunger hormones and the body's ability to process the sugars in food.

There's also a vicious cycle thing at play with sleep and weight. If you're tired, it's hard to work up the motivation to go for a run or hit the gym.

"Just get an extra hour of sleep everyday and see how your life changes," Sharma says.

3. Assess the liveability of your approach. Unless you're a lucky person who only needs to shed a couple of pounds gained on a cruise or over Christmas, if you want to lose weight chances are weight control is going to be an ongoing part of your life.

So going on a drastic diet may shed the excess weight. But if you ease up, it's going to come back.

"The idea that 'I'm just going to do something for a couple of weeks and lose weight' — you're just setting yourself up for failure. That weight is going to come back," Sharma says.

So consider whether the plan you're working on is something you can live with over the long term. "People don't want to lose for now, they want to lose for good," says Freedhoff.

4. Set realistic goals. You're not a runner but you decide your path to your ideal weight is by becoming a marathoner. Or you pledge to spend 90 minutes at the gym every day when you currently get there three or four times a month.

Not going to happen.

Setting a goal you have no hope of reaching sets you up to give up in despair. It's better to fix your sights on something you can actually do.

"I think people should take small steps that are sustainable. You know, whether it's 10 minutes, more days than not in the week to start with a program rather than 'I'm going to start working out an hour three or four times a week' and of course ultimately giving up that new exercise program that was overdoing it," Freedhoff says.

5. Focus on behaviours, not pounds. Your weight is where it is because of your habits. Maybe you snack in front of the TV at night or you give yourself a free pass when you eat out — and you eat out a lot.

Grappling with those habits is what you have to do to make inroads on weight control, Sharma says.

He can think of a bunch of habits that may be sabotaging your weight control efforts. Skipping meals — especially breakfast. Letting yourself get hungry. Not getting enough sleep. Being too sedentary.

Sharma suggests replacing these undermining habits with ones that will help you succeed. Wear a pedometer. Keep a food diary — or at least cultivate calorie awareness, so you have a sense of how much you are eating. Eat regularly, and from a smaller plate.

Freedhoff suggests examining your pattern of eating out, and figuring out where you could cut back on these kinds of meals, which can erode your will-power and torpedo your diet.

It's not that people should cut out eating out altogether, he says. But he suggests finding your laziest convenience meal, and making a commitment to replacing it with a home-cooked meal instead.

© The Canadian Press, 2012

Read it on Global News: 5 ways to tackle weight-loss resolutions

Banned Weight Loss Products

Additional Unauthorized Weight Loss Products Seized from Richmond, B.C. Store (Cube Inc.)

Information Update
December 20, 2012
For immediate release

OTTAWA - Further to our previous communications, Health Canada is advising Canadians that three additional unauthorized products promoted for weight loss have been seized from the "Cube Inc." store in Richmond, B.C.

Health Canada's testing of these products identified hidden drug ingredients (sibutramine and phenolphthalein) that may pose serious health risks. Caffeine was also found in two of the products and was not listed on the product label.

Consumers should consult their health care practitioner if they have used or are using "NanFangYiRen Slimming Coffee Pure Taste, Perfect Figure", "Charantin Slimming", or "ZiRanTang Slimming Breakfast Slimming Biscuit & Brazil Black Coffee," and should report any adverse reactions to Health Canada.

If new weight loss products containing sibutramine or additional hidden ingredients are identified, Health Canada will add them to its list of affected products. Canadians are advised to monitor this list for updates.

Sibutramine was previously used to treat obesity but is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because of its association with an increased risk of cardiovascular side-effects such as heart attack and stroke.

Phenolphthalein, which was previously used as a laxative, is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because it may cause cancer. Additional side-effects associated with phenolphthalein include decreased blood pressure, skin rash and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Caffeine may pose health risks to people sensitive to its effects.

Health Canada would like to remind Canadian retailers that the sale of health products is governed by the Food and Drugs Act and its Regulations, and that selling unauthorized products is against the law. Retailers found selling unauthorized products may have them seized by Health Canada or by various law enforcement authorities.


Weight Loss System Delivers Life-Saving Results For Diabetic Mother

Washington, DC (December 18, 2012) -- Just half a year ago, Mona Aaron's personal "time bomb" was ticking. This Waldorf, Md.-based mother in the prime of her life weighed 212 pounds and wore a size 18. She also took five different medications to manage three life-threatening conditions -- diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Treating the symptoms of her medical conditions on a daily basis was a regular brutal reminder that Mona's life was at risk and that only a serious change in diet and lifestyle would change the course of her life.
Then one morning when she was taking her 11-year-old son to the bus stop, Mona tuned into "The Steve Harvey Morning Show," which that day featured JJ Smith, nutritionist, weight loss expert and developer of the Detox-Eat-Move (DEM) System(TM). Mona listened as JJ described how the three-phase DEM System(TM) could shed stubborn body fat, reverse health problems, and restore the body to optimal health. She immediately bought JJ's bestselling book, Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out! (See sample chapters at www.jjsmithonline.com/products/lose-weight.html). 
"Six months later, I weigh 155 pounds, wear a size 8, and no longer need medication for my diabetes and cholesterol," says Mona (www.jjsmithonline.com/feature-story/mona-aaron.html). "My blood pressure medication has been reduced to 10 mg, and I am hoping to be off of that medication on my next doctor's visit next month." 
While some may view Mona's case as exceptional, it's anything but a stroke of luck, according to JJ, who designed the weight loss system with only one goal in mind: fast results. 
A natural, stress-free strategy, the DEM System features solutions to detoxify the body, balance hormones, and boost metabolism to burn fat effortlessly. Uniquely, JJ's methodology melts fat without an exercise regime or rigorous workout, and it does not force people to consume diet food, count calories, or starve themselves. It's simply a proactive approach to nutrition -- tailored to the distinct demands and sensitivities of women's bodies. A growing number of women like Mona are using this approach to defeat obesity and associated medical problems. 
"Mona's courageous story and gorgeous photo demonstrate that she is winning the battle against obesity and chronic disease," says JJ. "I am happy that Mona shared her success with the DEM System because it shows how this approach can actually exceed expectations. More than simply putting women on the weight-loss path, the DEM System can deliver lifesaving results." 
JJ concludes, "Ladies, it's time to get healthy now. Resolve to Detox-Eat-Move in 2013."

About JJ Smith
JJ Smith (www.JJSmithOnline.com) is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out. JJ is a nutritionist and certified weight-loss expert who has been regularly featured in today's popular print and online media, on major news networks, and on daily programs such as "The Steve Harvey Morning Show," "The Montel Williams Show," and "The Jamie Foxx Show." Since reclaiming her health, losing weight, and discovering a "second youth" in her 40s, bestselling author JJ Smith has become the voice of inspiration to women who want to lose weight, be healthy, and get their sexy back.

For more details, contact JJ at:
Twitter: jjsmithonline
Facebook Page: RealTalkJJ

Aerobic Physical Bodily Exercise may be best at burning fat, weight loss

Looking to lose weight and fat in the new year? Aerobic exercise may be your best bet.  

Aerobic exercise -- which includes sweat-inducing activities like walking, running and swimming -- has been known to help people reach their target weight. However, resistance training, which includes weight lifting to build muscle mass, is normally more advised because it has the ability to raise a person's resting metabolic rate -- the amount of calories you burn while resting -- and improve glucose control. But, resistance training's effects on fat loss have not been proven. 

"Balancing time commitments against health benefits, our study suggests that aerobic exercise is the best option for reducing fat mass and body mass," Cris A. Slentz, a Duke exercise physiologist, said in a press release."It's not that resistance training isn't good for you; it's just not very good at burning fat."

For the study, researchers looked at 234 overweight or obese people. Subjects either had to do resistance training (three sets of weight lifting for three days a week, eight to 12 repetitions per set), aerobic training (about 12 miles a week) or aerobic and resistance training (both requirements). Exercise sessions were supervised to make sure everyone was doing what they were supposed to.

Researchers then used data from 119 people who successfully completed the exercise regimen.
The aerobic exercise group worked out an average of 133 minutes a week and lost weight, while the resistance group worked out about 180 minutes a week without dropping pounds. 

The combination group, while having to spend twice the amount of time to complete both routines, had a mixed result. They did not lose weight and fat mass, but they did have the biggest reduction in waist circumference probably due to the time they spent working out.

Resting metabolic rate was not measured. But, since the scientists observed no changes in weight or fat loss, the common assumption that resistance training may increase the resting metabolic rate may be moot.

"No one type of exercise will be best for every health benefit," author Leslie H. Willis, MS, an exercise physiologist at Duke Medicine, said in a press release. "However, it might be time to reconsider the conventional wisdom that resistance training alone can induce changes in body mass or fat mass due to an increase in metabolism, as our study found no change."
However, Dr. Timothy Church, director of preventive medicine research at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., cautioned to HealthDay that resistance training shouldn't be discounted because people lose muscle mass when they grow older, and stronger muscles can help improve quality of life. 

Dr. Melina Jampolis, a physician nutrition specialist and CNN's diet and fitness expert, also warned to CNN that we don't know how effective aerobic exercise is at weight loss in the long run.

"If you are short on time and are not dieting, cardio is better for weight loss in the short-term, but we don't know in the long-term. And in my opinion, to maintain weight loss and achieve optimal health, strength training is still very important," said Jampolis.

The study appeared Dec. 15 in the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Individual Patient-managed weightloss programm gives good weight loss result

By Sarah Guy, medwireNews Reporter

Adding use of a personal digital assistant (PDA) to an intensive weight-loss program results in significantly greater weight loss, as well as enabling patients to take charge of their own weight management, report US researchers.

Their study randomly assigned patients in a weight-loss program to either use a PDA for 6 months or not, which entailed recording their food intake, and receiving goals set by para-professional coaches who telephoned patients to give individualized guidance.

Participants assigned to the PDA group lost significantly more weight over a 6-month period, show the findings.

"This study highlights the promise of a mobile technology system as a scalable, cost-effective means to augment the effectiveness of physician-directed weight loss treatment," say Bonnie Spring (Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois) and co-authors in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

They suggest that handheld tools such as the one in their study embrace patient-centered care by helping patients manage their own behavior changes as well as reducing cost and patient burden in "strained" care systems.

In all, 70 participants were randomly assigned to the PDA intervention (n=35) or to their standard weight-loss program alone (controls), including 59 men with a mean weight of 114.3 kg at baseline, and 11 women with a mean baseline weight of 96.3 kg.

Overall, participants in the PDA group had lost a mean 3.9 kg more bodyweight (equal to 3.1% more) than controls by the 6-month primary study endpoint, report Spring et al.

Indeed, weight loss was greater in the PDA group than among controls at all time points in the year-long study, they add, at 4.5 kg versus 1.0 kg at 3 months, 3.9 kg versus 0.9 kg at 9 months, and 2.9 kg versus -0.02 kg at 12 months.

Furthermore, the PDA group was a significant 6.5 times more likely than controls to achieve a 5% or greater weight loss by the study end.

In an accompanying editorial, Goutham Rao (University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Illinois) and Katherine Kirley (NorthShore University Health System, Evanston, Illinois) remark that technologies such as the PDA allow patients to take charge of their own weight management, which is "an essential component of the increasingly important patient-centered medical home model of care."

Licensed from medwireNews with permission from Springer Healthcare Ltd. ©Springer Healthcare Ltd. All rights reserved. Neither of these parties endorse or recommend any commercial products, services, or equipment.

Weight Loss Programms May Help Reverse and stop Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has long been thought of as a chronic, irreversible disease. Some 25 million Americans are afflicted with the illness, which is associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as high blood pressure. Recent research demonstrated that gastric bypass surgery—a form of bariatric surgery that reduces the size of the stomach—can lead to at least temporary remission of type 2 diabetes in up to 62 percent of extremely obese adults. But can less drastic measures also help some people fight back the progressive disease?

A new randomized controlled trial found that intensive weight loss programs can also increase the odds that overweight adults with type 2 diabetes will see at least partial remission. The findings were published online December 18 in JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association. “The increasing worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes, along with its wide-ranging complications, has led to hopes that the disease can be reversed or prevented,” wrote the authors of the new paper, led by Edward Gregg of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study tracked 4,503 overweight adults with type 2 diabetes for four years. About half of the subjects received basic diabetes support and education (including three sessions per year that covered diet, physical activity and support). The other half received more intensive lifestyle-intervention assistance. This second group received weekly individual and group counseling for six months, followed by three-sessions each month for the next six months, and refresher group sessions and individual contact for the subsequent three years. The interventions aimed to help individuals limit daily calories to 1,200 to 1,800—in particular by reducing saturated fat intake—and to help them get the recommended 175 minutes per week of physical activity.

After two years about one in 11 adults in the intervention group experienced at least partial remission of their diabetes, meaning that a patient’s blood sugar levels reverted to below diabetes diagnosis levels without medication. Only about one in 60 in the control group, which received only basic support and education, saw any remission after two years. The findings suggest that “partial remission, defined by a transition to prediabetic or normal glucose levels without drug treatment for a specific period, is an obtainable goal for some patients with type 2 diabetes,” the researchers noted.

The improvement, however, was not indefinite for everyone. After four years, only about one in 30 people in the intervention group were still seeing an improvement in their condition. Researchers think that regaining weight and falling behind on diet and physical activity goals increase the risk that people will return to a diabetic state.

About one in 75 in the intervention group saw complete remission of their diabetes, in which glucose levels returned to normal without medication.

The study did not find, however, that individuals in the lifestyle intervention group had lower risks for heart trouble, stroke or death than did those in the control group. “This recently led the National Institutes of Health to halt the [trial],” noted David Arterburn, of Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, and Patrick O’Connor, of HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research in Minneapolis, in an essay in the same issue of JAMA. Similar results have come out of studies looking at more intensive medical treatment of diabetes. “A more potent intervention—bariatric surgery—already appears to achieve what intensive medical and lifestyle interventions cannot: reducing cardiovascular events and mortality rates among severely obese patients with type 2 diabetes,” they noted.

As with any disease, however, prevention is the best strategy. “The disappointing results of recent trials of intensive lifestyle and medical management in patients with existing type 2 diabetes also underscore the need to more aggressively pursue primary prevention of diabetes,” Arterburn and O’Connor noted. One recent study found that compared with no treatment at all, lifestyle interventions reduced the onset of type 2 diabetes by 58 percent in people with pre-diabetes (and the medication metformin reduced the onset rate by 31 percent). Bariatric surgery seemed to reduce the onset of diabetes in obese patients by 83 percent, Arterburn and O’Connor pointed out in their essay.

For people who already have diabetes, however, those who are still in the early stages and those with the biggest weight loss and/or fitness improvement had the best odds for beating the disease. And even if lifestyle interventions aren’t capable of dialing back the disease entirely, any reduction—whether through lifestyle or other changes–in the need for medication and in medical complications due to diabetes can be considered an improvement in managing the disease, which already costs the U.S. health system $116 billion each year and is estimated to affect 50 million Americans by 2050.

Katherine HarmonAbout the Author: Katherine Harmon is an associate editor for Scientific American covering health, medicine and life sciences. Follow on Twitter @katherineharmon.


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