Weight loss medications for effective health weightloss

By Dr. Alisa Hideg.
Last month we had good news about obesity rates in the United States – a significant decline among children 2 to 5 years old. Because children who are overweight or obese are more likely to struggle with weight as adults and are at a higher risk of developing conditions like diabetes, stroke and cancer, this is good news. 

But what about adults who are overweight? Whether it has been an issue since childhood or high school, controlling weight is a difficult and serious health concern.

As the average weight of American adults has increased, a booming weight loss industry has developed – with diet schemes, exercise equipment and pills and supplements. It would be great if there was an easy way to eat high-calorie, sugary and fatty foods all of the time without gaining weight or hurting our health, but there is not. The most effective way to avoid the complications of obesity and be healthy (the most important goal), is to eat sensibly and be physically active. I am not talking about a “diet,” but a lifestyle that can and should be permanent. 

But what if, despite your best efforts, this does not work?
Under the supervision of a health care provider, some patients temporarily use prescription weight-loss medication in conjunction with diet and exercise changes. Because these medications have side effects, you will probably not be advised to try one unless your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30 or is greater than 27 and you have serious medical problems related to obesity.

While prescription weight-loss medications combined with lifestyle changes can produce weight loss, they are not safe enough to take long-term. It is also difficult to keep weight off once you stop the medication unless your food choices and the amount you are exercising have improved significantly.

Two medications came out last year by the brand names Belviq and Qsymia. These work by decreasing your appetite and/or increasing your feeling of fullness. They have unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, nervousness, dry mouth, insomnia and constipation. Such side effects can be serious if you have other health concerns and as with many new medications, we do not know enough about their long-term safety to recommend either one. 

Orlistat, an older weight-loss medication, blocks absorption of fat in your digestive tract so you will absorb fewer calories. Orlistat is available in both prescription and over-the-counter dosages. Side effects include intestinal cramps, gas, diarrhea and oily stools. As with the other medications, the side effects may decrease as your body gets used to it.

Before prescribing any weight-loss medication, your health care provider will want to evaluate your overall health, look for other problems like diabetes and sleep apnea and talk with you about the risks of the medication versus those of continued obesity. 

Whether you and your health care provider decide diet medications are worth trying, if you are obese or significantly overweight, it is important to make permanent, healthy changes to your diet and exercise habits. More fruits and vegetables, less sugar, less fat, less meat, more exercise, less television, joining a gym, and walking more are among the changes that will help you attain your goal. 

I find it helpful to begin with one change. As that change becomes a normal part of your life, add another healthy change. It means gradual weight loss and not the instant results we all want, but it also means keeping the weight off in the long term.

Dr. Alisa Hideg is a family medicine physician at Group Health’s Riverfront Medical Center in Spokane. Her column appears every other Tuesday in the Today section.

health,weight loss, diet and fitness -fifty health ways to lose weight

50 Ways To Lose 10 Pounds  of weight - daily and healthy weight loss guide

Losing weight doesn't have to be so hard. Here are 50 easy ways to reach your goal.

1. Water yourself

Research shows that dieters who guzzle plenty of H2O lose more weight than those who don't. Keep things interesting with these 25 slimming sassy water recipes

2. Halve at it

Divide your normal portion by two and save the rest for later. You're likely to feel full on less food than you think.

3. Go meatless

In general, vegetarians have lower body weights than their meat-eating peers. Follow their lead—at least until you drop a few pounds. (Check out these vegetarian dishes that blast belly fat to get started.)

4. Go vegan

Vegetarianism not helping you lose? Take it to the next level by swearing off eggs and dairy, too. Cheese can be a diet killer. (See why one foodie became a part-time vegan—and you can, too.)

5. Get fresh

Eliminate packaged foods and eat only fresh ingredients you've prepared. No bags, boxes, cans, or cartons allowed. (Want to go organic but not sure where to start? Download our Organic Fruits and Veggies Shopping Guide to learn which items you should always buy organic.)

6. Diet 2 days a week

If you can't stick to a program all the time, try slashing your calories to 650 a day just two days a week and eating normally the other days. One study suggests this offers protection from breast cancer as well as assistance with weight loss.

7. Not so sweet

Everyone knows sugar isn't healthy, but when you start reading labels, you find it in unexpected places, like pasta sauce and frozen entrées. Cutting the sugar out of your diet will mean healthier meals overall. (Check out these sneaky places hidden sugars lurk.)

8. Cut the flour

The short-term elimination of floury foods like white bread and pastries can efficiently kick-start your weight loss plan.
More from Prevention: How To Lose The Last 10 Pounds

9. Be a virgin

Alcoholic beverages are some of the emptiest calories out there. Replace them with water, and the weight comes off.

10. Walk 2 minutes out of every 30

Short walking breaks add up to weight loss. Plain and simple.

11. Fidget more
Studies show that fidgety types burn significantly more calories than their stationary peers. So go ahead: Tap that foot, drum those fingers, and totally shake those knee.

12. Sleep it off

Research shows that those who don't get enough shut-eye eat more and reach for more fattening grub than people who get plenty of rest. (Trouble snoozing? Here's how to get you best night's sleep—ever.)

13. Get it on

Thirty minutes of s*x burns at least 60 calories for a 150-pound woman. Keep things fresh with these 11 new s*x positions.

14. Eat at home

Meals eaten away from home have 134 more calories, on average. Try these 5 simple recipes made with clean, wholesome ingredients.

15. Start a blog

The weight loss blog is practically a literary genre. Start one, and you aren't just losing for yourself. Your public needs you.

16. Tweet your weight

Some call it the #humiliation diet, but many credit the accountability for their weight loss success. Use the hashtag #tweetyourweight. Tell us about your weight loss and use @PreventionMag!
More from Prevention: Slimming Meals Ready In 5 Minutes

17. Find a buddy

You know you're more likely to show up at the gym if someone is waiting there for you. Fan Prevention magazine on Facebook to meet more readers like you!

19. Veg out

Fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables, which are less calorie dense and more nutritious than any other type of food. (Make your veggies taste amazing with these tips.)

18. Lose to win

Bring a taste of The Biggest Loser to your own gym, work, family, or circle of friends for extra motivation.

20. Go nuts

A recent study found that dieters who snacked on shelled pistachios shed more pounds than those who ate other snacks, even though they contained the same amount of calories.

21. Try a grapefruit diet

Eating one grapefruit daily helped 58% of subjects to lose weight, according to research.
More from Prevention: 7 Citrus Fruit Recipes

Life and Health - cardio fitness verses weight loss training for weight loss

I see questions online from men and women wondering why they are not losing weight even though they are logging hours on the treadmill weekly. They are asking: Why isn’t cardiovascular training enough?

It is true that cardio burns more calories than weight training and has positive effects on the body such as stronger heart and lungs. Cardio also reduces stress and the risk of heart disease. However, cardio alone is not the best method for weight loss. 

A great deal of emphasis has been placed on cardio and diet for weight loss. The benefits of incorporating strength training (also referred to as weight training) have not been given enough attention. When you focus only on cardio and diet, you run the risk of losing muscle mass.

Strength training will help reduce body fat by increasing lean muscle tissue, which raises your metabolism. Therefore, the more muscle you have on your body, the more fat your body burns, even when you are at rest. 

If weight loss is one of your fitness goals, strength training along with cardio and a healthy diet can help you shed fat and increase muscle tone.

One effective method for losing weight is circuit-style strength training, which elevates your heart rate, burns calories and builds muscle all at once. This involves doing strength exercises and working in short bursts of cardio exercise between each set.

For example, you could do 15 pushups and then do a lap around the track or jump rope for three minutes, followed by another set of strength exercises. 

It is important to remember to consult your physician before beginning a fitness program.
Suzanne Pickens is a health information consultant at Sutter Gould Medical Foundation.

Read more here: http://www.modbee.com/2014/03/15/3239800/bee-healthy-cardio-vs-weight-training.html#storylink=cpy

March 15, 2014 
Read more here: http://www.modbee.com/2014/03/15/3239800/bee-healthy-cardio-vs-weight-training.html#storylink=cpy

Garcinia Cambogia Is Proven to Ensure Weight Loss Without Diet

Powerful Fat Burner Garcinia Cambogia Pure with Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract and 50% Chlorogenic Acid Gets Excellent Reviews from Actual Users! Garcinia Cambogia Pure Becomes One of the Highest Selling Weight Loss Supplements Today...

Garcinia Cambogia is the latest weight loss wonder supplement. It is said to work so well that the prominent Dr. Oz has advocated for it, calling it the "Holy Grail of weight loss". Despite this, many people are skeptical; after all, how many times have we discovered the "Holy Grail" only to reluctantly concede later that it wasn't the one? To make sure that we can make a sound decision about whether or not Garcinia Cambogia works, we have put together a complete review that looks into all its aspects.

What is it?
It is an extract from the Garcinia Cambogia tree, otherwise known as kudampuli or Malabar Tamarind, which is a tropical fruit that is found in parts of Asia and Africa. It grows naturally and natives, especially in South India, use it to add a sour flavor to sea foods.

It doesn't seem to be very well known amongst these communities for its weight loss properties but it is used for multiple health benefits – they say it heals ulcers, promotes digestion and even helps relieve arthritis related pain. For weight loss purposes, an extract is made out of the fruit that has just the right combination of the fruit's ingredients to speed up weight loss.

How does Garcinia Cambogia work?
There are 2 main ways that this extract works to help reduce weight.
1. The first thing that it does is to suppress appetite. For someone who is looking to lose weight, this is beneficial in 2 ways: they eat less, and because they are eating less but still have to continue to supply their bodies with energy, they are in fact aiding the body to break down fat cells.

2. The second way it works is by blocking an enzyme called citrate lyase which is the one responsible for converting carbohydrates into fats and sugars. This means that any fat that is consumed never really gets to make it to the cells but rather is excreted with the rest of the waste. It happens to be a highly effective method of losing weight – you can lose several pounds in a month.

The immediate question, of course, is whether there is any scientific backing to these claims. Indeed there is. Garcinia Cambogia contains HCA which, in a lab setting, has proven to reduce appetite and stop the absorption of fat from food.
So why is there so much talk about side effects?
There are 2 reasons: one is because it does have side effects and the second is because the people who talk about these side effects do not supply complete information. Here are some of the side effects that have been known to occur with this extract:

1. People have reported headaches and stomach upsets, but this seems to be from one brand only.
2. Some people talk of a fine skin rash that develops a few days after they start taking the product, again, from a single brand.
3. Some people have reported fatty stools – nothing that requires medical attention, just the notion of it is uncomfortable for some.

All these side effects seem to be deriving from one thing: the kind of Garcinia Cambogia that they consumed. For it to be effective and not have any side effects, it has to have the ingredients combined exactly right: 50% HCA or hydroxycitric acid, no fillers, no binders, no artificial ingredients, it must be taken at a dosage of 100Mg as prescribed and the bottle must read Garcinia Cambogia HCA.

Some people who report these side effects admit that they did not look into these details and it is understandable; when we buy supplements, we usually just take them without giving the ingredients a keen eye.

Some people have complained that they are sleepless after they take it. There is a good reason for that and the cure is very simple: exercise. When you take Garcinia, because your body is not getting energy from the usual channels, it starts to break down what is stored inside. It also helps in the production of serotonin, a hormone that will keep you feeling sated and also happy.

When the body breaks down fat into energy and you don't use it up, the result is that when it comes to time to sleep, your body is still too charged to go to sleep naturally. That and the slight feeling of a happy buzz is what will keep you awake.
The solution to this is to exercise so that you can use up the extra energy. So yes, like all diet supplements that work, you still have to do your daily workout if you want to experience the full benefits without any side effects.

facts about anorexia, the weight loss obsession

Facts about anorexia, the weight loss obsession

Source: health.india

16-year-old Jigyasa was a shy, studious adolescent, who tried hard to please everyone. She had an attractive appearance, but was slightly overweight. Like many adolescent girls, she was interested in boys but, being studious, had never been in a relationship. She began to believe that she wasn’t pretty enough to get the attention from the opposite sex, and that she would never get a boyfriend if she didn’t lose some weight. She began to diet relentlessly, never believing she was thin enough even when she became extremely underweight. She became obsessed with dieting and food and developed strange eating rituals. She resisted eating food with any fat and carbohydrate content. She also exercised compulsively, even after she fainted in the public once.

Eating disorders like anorexia are considered to be a result of personal choices. But people hardly know that such disorders can even be life threatening. There is clearly a need for increased awareness about anorexia and our expert Dr. Samir Parikh, Consultant Psychiatrist, Director, Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences, Fortis Healthcare highlights some key facts about the disorder that you should know before you think you need to lose some weight.

1. Self-starvation = anorexia: Anorexia nervosa is a type of an eating disorder that is characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight. People suffering from this disorder restrict their eating habits to an unhealthy degree, be preoccupied with losing weight to the point of starvation and have a distorted body image.

2. Anorexia is more common in teenage girls: Anorexia usually affects young people in their teenage or pre-teenage years and is more commonly found among girls. The etiology if eating disorders is a complex amalgam of biological, social, cultural, familial and personality factors.

3. Peer pressure and social media makes women more susceptible to anorexia: Without doubt there is an increasing influence of the Western culture on Indian population. The portrayal of an idealized but unrealistic body image by the media is the main reason teenagers start perceiving themselves as overweight. Women suffering from anorexia give physical appearance give prime importance as the means to gain popularity and acceptance. They make thinness into a tremendous ideal which is associated with high achievement, better social standing and hence ultimately relating to a high self-esteem and body-esteem.

Teenage girls with changing bodies due to puberty and in the process of forming cognition and feelings about their own body are most susceptible to anorexia nervosa from a psychological and sociological perspective.

4. Anorexia can kill you: According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in ten anorexia cases ends in death from starvation, suicide or medical complications like heart attacks or kidney failure. Anorexia nervosa by definition refers to the person restricting eating habits to the point of starvation. As a result it is associated with a variety of health concerns, including death due to the same. Some health effects can include but are not limited to anemia, irregular menstruation, dehydration, blood pressure irregularities, kidney disease, liver disease and many other related health complications.

5. Anorexic people may start hiding and lying about their eating habits: One of the most obvious signs of anorexia nervosa is that the person becomes very thin and beings to look emaciated. The weight loss may be drastic and sudden. Obsession towards weight loss becomes so intense that the person may consumes very little or no food at all. This makes them defensive to an extent that may start hiding or lying about eating.

6. Anorexia makes a person more likely to be depressed: Anorexia affects a person psychologically as well. Even though everyone around the anorexic girl may tell her that she is too thin or under weight, she may still feel fat or that she needs to lose more weight. This person can go into depression, get convinced that happiness will only come to her when she loses weight or does not gain any weight.

7. Nutritional counseling and psychotherapy can cure the disorder: It is very important for people suffering from this disorder to find correct treatment as early as possible due to the critical health risks associated with it. Medication and psychotherapy are a combined treatment of choice, in some cases hospitalization may be recommended. Nutritional counseling to instill healthy eating habits and psychotherapy to understand the problem and unlearn patterns learnt as part of the disease are important aspects of treatment for the same.

8. Awareness can prevent anorexia: Most people suffering from anorexia have very limited insight about their problem and believe that they are only trying to reach their idea of perfection. Therefore, increasing awareness about eating disorders can help in prevention. 


Holy Grail of Weight Loss, Garcinia Diet Pills Are the Latest Craze in Fitness and weight loss Circles

Surgical Weight Loss Cuts Deep: Patients Should Weigh Their Options First! Garcinia Cambogia Pure Is 1500 Mg of Unadulterated Pure Garcinia Extract to Ensure Quick and Effortless Weight Loss

Source: Marlowonthamespeople/UK

Weight loss is something everyone wants to achieve. Whether it's for health reasons or to stay attractive, people are always looking for ways to shed off those excess pounds. Because of this, all kinds of products and programs designed for losing weight have been created. But unfortunately, not all of them are effective or safe.
Of course, you'll want nothing more than a safe and powerful solution to trim down excess flab. Emerging treatments include supplements created using herbs and other natural substances.But only a few of them has achieved the notoriety of supplements made from the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia.

What is Garcinia Cambogia?
This plant, which has the common name of Malabar Tamarind, is mainly found on the evergreen forests of India. With its pumpkin-like fruits being used as a condiment in a lot of Indian and Southeast Asian dishes, it's a popular staple in this side of the world. In fact, rinds from the Garcinia fruit, as well as its extract, are used in different foods ranging from curries to drinks.

Garcinia Cambogia Extract and Weight Loss
With people constantly looking for ways to lose as much weight as possible, they are resorting to different types of concoctions, natural or otherwise. And the latest one to get into this trend is Garcinia. However, is there truth behind the hype? And if it's indeed effective, what is the key behind its effectiveness?

The main active ingredient of pure Garcinia Cambogia is hydroxycitric acid. A derivative of citric acid, a substance commonly found in citrus fruits, it makes up about 30 percent of the fruit's mass. Based on studies done in this substance, it has the ability to modulate and facilitate lipid metabolism. By actually increasing your body's metabolic ability, healthy weight loss is made more than possible to accomplish.

Because of this fact, this substance has found itself being included as an ingredient in various weight loss products. But Garcinia Cambogia fruit has one of the highest concentrations of this vital ingredient, and as a result, you can expect a supplement made using this fruit to be more potent than everything else on the market.

How does Garcinia Cambogia extract work?
This is a very interesting question as after all, you won't buy a product if you don't even have an idea how it works. How does this extract exactly work? The answer mainly lies on the ingredients that constitute the fruit. The main effects of the primary ingredient, hydroxycitric acid, have already been discussed on the previous section. But this extract also contains other active ingredients such as xanthones and their derivatives.

This product is able to provide each of the following benefits:
  • It's able to increase the body's ability to metabolize fats and other lipids. In fact, Garcinia extract is credited for its ability to reduce lipid levels, LDL and overall cholesterol levels, and overall amount of adipose tissue in humans as well as animals.
  • Fat oxidation, an essential process in fat metabolism, is increased. Not only does it improve fat digestion, but it also results to increased levels of healthy HDL cholesterol.
  • It also inhibits lipid synthesis, preventing the body from depositing excess fat.
  • It helps in increasing glycogen levels in the liver, sending satiety signals to the brain and causing the person to eat less.
Garcinia Cambogia Benefits
Because of its unparalleled number of benefits, Garcinia, and products made from it, has suddenly become a hot item in the world of weight loss products. What are the benefits that can be potentially had if you regularly take this supplement?
  • Increased metabolism – Increasing one's ability to turn food (as well as excess weight) into energy has a huge say in one's chances in losing weight. Because this supplement jacks up one's metabolism, weight loss can be done swifter without dietary modification.
  • Lowers blood pressure – Cholesterol levels in the blood is pinpointed as one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. Because this product is able to reduce both total cholesterol and LDL levels, one can expect improved cardiovascular health with continued use.
  • Reduced body fat buildup – Most supplements can help people lose fat, but can't keep it from coming back. This is not the case with Garcinia. Because it inhibits fat synthesis, the weight you lose won't be gained back that easily.
  • Decreased appetite and cravings – One essential step in losing weight is reducing one's desire for food. Because this product can help you feel full at all times, your appetite gets reduced, helping you to lose more weight.

Termed as the Holy Grail of Weight Loss, Garcinia Diet Pills Are the Latest Craze in Fitness Circles - Surgical Weight Loss Cuts Deep: Patients Should Weigh Their Options First

exercise, diet and weight loss

Diet And Exercise: It’s Not Just About #Weight Loss
We’ve been hearing for years and years that losing weight is a matter of eating well and exercising. Weight loss, it seems, has been at the center of our national discussion on obesity and its health-related issues. Which is fine. Being overweight is, often, a problem on many levels, from physical health to emotional well-being. It’s good that we recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.

But lately I’ve noticed a slight change in the discussion. I’ve heard (or rather, read) more and more talk about eating well as a means of improving health — and curing specific ailments like high blood pressure — and about exercise as the antidote to mental issues that we’ve grown accustomed to taking pills for. Eating well and exercising, it seems, are not just for weight loss — they’re also good at combatting some of the illnesses we develop by (wait for it) . . . eating poorly and living sedentary lives. Things like high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, and depression.

This is a step in the right direction. It’s a sign that we are recognizing the connection between our diet, our activity level, and the way our bodies feel and perform. And that we are realizing that there is a safer, healthier, more cost-effective way to fight the ills of our age than by taking pills, some of which have side effects that are as bad as the disease itself.

While this development in the conversation on nutrition, exercise, weight loss, and health comes at a fortuitous time — when we are having other conversations about the costs of health care in our country — I am nervous about where it could lead. Changing our diet and moving our bodies more frequently and intentionally are, I’m sure, the most natural and efficient ways to both improve our health and decrease the amount of money spent on medicine and medical treatments. But if eating more carefully and exercising more consistently are to become “treatment methods” what will the future of our health care system look like?

I certainly don’t have the answers, but one scenario that goes through my mind is that doctors will be writing prescriptions for “3 4-mile runs per week at an easy pace” or “kale salad with dried cherries and toasted nuts” for their patients. And that running 4-miles will be just like taking a pill: you do it because you have to and try not to think about it too much.

If that happens I think we’ll have not necessarily missed the point, but possibly missed a great opportunity — the one in which we realize that living active lives and eating real, whole, fresh foods, is actually really enjoyable. Living that way leads to greater energy and awareness, to a variety of experiences, to meeting new people and to discovering new, empowered parts of ourselves — and that’s in addition to the lower blood pressure, calmer mind, and fewer prescriptions to fill.

It’s possible, of course, and even likely that even if doctors prescribe meal plans and workouts instead of pills, people will come to a realization on their own that their health, their energy, and their life in general has greatly improved and they will learn to love the “drugs” (diet, exercise) that got them there so much that they will integrate them into their lives as a lifestyle and not merely as something to take before breakfast or with dinner.

But I believe the better course could be to skip that step in which doctors have to tell us what to do and just do it ourselves: discover the joy of movement, the deliciousness of food that doesn’t come pre-cooked in a plastic tray and reap the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits that come when we do things because of joy and not because of fear (of disease, of fat, of the unknown).

One of my personal heroes, George Sheehan, the late running enthusiast, writer, doctor, and philosopher of sport, wrote frequently about the importance of finding those intrinsic reasons for running, playing, and being active. Things like increased creativity, conquering the blues, discovering your inner hero. When a similar topic came up during the rise of aerobics nearly 40 years ago, and the prospect of prescribed exercise had been suggested, he wrote:
“There is an alternative to the athletic-state or the exercise-your-heart-ailments-away argument of the aerobics plan. The answer is to consult your friendly neighborhood athlete, be he runner, tennis player, or average half-court basketball player. Why does he do it? [ . . . ] Running pays off and it pays off today. Exercise gives instant and exhilarating effects. There is a natural high to be obtained legally.”
And, more poetically, but no less accurately:
“And while these pounds were being shed, while the physiological miracles were occurring with the heart and muscle and metabolism, psychological marvels were taking place as well. Just so, the world over, bodies, minds, and souls are constantly being born again, during miles on the road.”
Weight loss is a good first step, better health and fewer pills are worthy motivations, but until we embrace a healthy diet and consistent exercise as both a gateway to and a hallmark of a full, well-lived life for body, mind, and spirit, we’re cheating ourselves of those final revelations: that there is natural high to be obtained legally, that our bodies, minds, and souls are renewed when we treat our bodies well. Doctors can’t prescribe that to us. We have to claim it for ourselves.

Source: http://www.babble.com/body-mind/diet-and-exercise-its-not-just-about-weight-loss/


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