Health diet solution for weight loss

What is overweight? When to start weight loss fitness diet – Diet Solution in weight loss

It has become classic that doctors make use of BMI – Body Mass Index to assess body weight.
A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.5 to 25 is considered to be healthy.
If your BMI is just above 25, you are likely becoming overweight and may need healthy dieting tips and weight loss.

BMI of above 30 is obese, hence not healthy, there is need for healthy diets, and weight loss diet and fitness exercise to achieve weight loss.
BMI of above 40 is morbidly or pathologically obese, more weight loss efforts.

To get the correct calculation of your own Body Mass Index - BMI, you have to know your body weight in kilos – KG, Kilogram, and your head to crown of the feet  height in meters, then use the guide as shown here to calculate your body mass index, BMI.

1. Multiply your height (H raise to power 2) by itself, for instance 1.7x1.7= 2.89.
2. Divide your body weight (e.g. 80KG) by the figure you got in 1. Above as shown in step 3 below.
3. 80 ÷ 2.89= 27.7.

Then the body mass index becomes 27.7 as the measured or calculated BMI with respect to your height and body weight.

If you are over-weight, you cannot continue with your current eating and diet pattern, if you really want to lose weight, you have to follow simple course diets for weight loss and health.
It is not possible to reduce and burn out body fat while you are still eating lots of food, sweet cakes and sugary sweets loaded with metabolites and poor food value. This does not mean you can never have any of those snacks, sweets or treats as times may permit, but you need to learn how to limit these foods to small quantities such that your need for weight loss and health will not be undermined by simple useless sugars.
In terms of weight-loss or diet tips/diet guide for weight loss, you can get your body to make use of the existing energy stores in the fat by eating less quantity of diet or foods and making healthier choices in diet, exercise and weight loss plans and options.

This does not mean that you resort to the unhealthy crash diet (anything less than 1500 calories), which usually ends up with you either getting weaker or giving up in desperation and losing out in your effort towards health and successful weight loss. Quick fix diets can lead to a yo-yoing effect of rapid weight loss followed by excessive body weight gain, resulting in a vicious cycle and fruitless efforts in weight loss.
There are no shortcuts to losing weight/body weight loss/burn out body fat in a natural healthy and reasonable way.

Eating 300 to 500 calories less daily can lead to a weight loss result of between one and two pounds every week. This is a simple realistic target. It may seem slow and sluggish in weight loss, but it would add up to a weight loss of more than three stone in a year – Healthy choice.

Fats and fatty foods contain the most amount of calories out of all the food types (proteins and carbohydrates), so a good way to achieve this type of safe/healthy weight loss is to cut down on fatty foods intake and eat more whole grain bread, fruit and vegetables, and other natural fruits that have high fiber content.

Here are some ways to reduce calorie in-take without having to change your diet.
•    Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with natural and pure water.
•    Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed – it has better value in weight loss tips and plan for health.
•    Eat lesser lunch than usual. For e.g., make your sandwich and limit the use of margarine or butter and full-fat based mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both, hence has poor food value and will increase body weight while undermining efforts towards weight loss).
•    Stop adding sugar in tea and coffee (hope the sugar manufacturing companies will not see this).
•    Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy – i.e. learn to eat foods in lesser quantities.
•    Avoid having a second helping during dinner.
•    Cut out un-healthy treats/sweet snacks – like confectioneries, sweet sugary biscuits, snacks and crisps in-between meals.
•    Reduce on alcohol intake/drink.

All these things will influence your health in a positive way and will give your weight loss ambition a boost.
Finally, do not be tempted to skip your breakfast – or any other meal as a result of your plan to lose weight. It is not a healthy weight loss plan to skip meals especially breakfast. While skipping your meals you will reduce your calorie in-take for that particular hour, it will leave you hungrier later on and that will make you to over eat and compound your weight gain as against your weight loss.

Not only you may overeat in order to compensate, but you will often make bad choices to fill the diet gap you had created: a cereal bar is not as healthy as a bowl of cereal or as filling, leading you to 'need' something extra for lunch thereby leading to overeating-over weight or excessive weight gain effect.
Irregular eating habits also disrupt your body metabolism – the BMR, which makes it harder to lose weight in the first place, hence making your weight loss efforts go in vain.

Write down your Health plan for successful weight loss gains

Food diary
If you are not certain what is wrong with your diet, try keeping a daily diary of everything you eat and drink or make use of the diet solution.
You can use you notebook or an online diet diary.
By the weekend, make a review of your entries for problem areas.
Watch out for processed foods, alcohol, fast food, roasts, creamy sauces and fried foods in order to eliminate them.
If your diet seems largely healthy, look at portion sizes/quantity.
If you are not so sure what is meant by 'healthy diet', you can make use of the diet solution.

Once you have made your choice on what diet changes you are going to effect, write them down as indicated below:

Week 1 Plan
•    Physical Exercise: one 20 minute walk every lunch hour.
•    Alcohol: none in the week, two small glasses of wine on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
•    Food: no chocolate or biscuits in the week, choose healthy snacks such as fruit, trim all fat from meat, eat no fried or fast food.
•    For each week list your targets concerning alcohol, exercise and your food plan.
•    Every day should then be listed in a simple chart and items you have had should be written down. It is also important to make a note of your mood and any comments you would like to get off your chest for each day.

Health benefits of weight loss
Clinical and scientific studies have shown that over-weight women who lose between 10lb and 20lb in weight loss will reduce by  halve their risk of developing diabetes. In men, the risk of heart/cardiac health problems reduces considerably and greatly.

Generally, we gain weight as we advance in age. A few pounds over the years may not pose a problem, but people who gain more than 20lb in weight compared to their weight as an 18-year-old will rapidly increase their risk of health problems like diabetes, cancer and heart attack due to that extra weight gain. In particular, women increase their risk of heart attack and double their risk of dying from cancer when they fail to lose weight or when they gain weight excessively.

By keeping your weight in the healthy body weight range, you are less likely to be challenged by illnesses in your later years like cancer, diabetes, heart attack and stroke or even obesity resulting from failure in weight loss.


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