How to Prevent Heart disease, heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke in age 30s

Juggling family and career leaves many adults with little time to worry about their hearts. Here are some ways to balance all three.
  • Make heart-healthy living a family affair. Create and sustain heart-healthy habits in your kids and you’ll reap the benefits, too. Spend less time on the couch and more time on the move. Explore a nearby park on foot or bike. Shoot some hoops or walk the dog.

    Plant a vegetable and fruit garden together in the yard, and invite your kids into the kitchen to help cook.
  • Know your family history. Shake down your family tree to learn about heart health. Having a relative with heart disease increases your risk, and more so if the relative is a parent or sibling.

    That means you need to focus on risk factors you can control by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, not smoking and eating right.

    Also, keep your doctor informed about any heart problems you learn about in your family.
  • Tame your stress. Long-term stress causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure that may damage the artery walls.

    Learning stress management techniques not only benefits your body, but also your quality of life. Try deep breathing exercises and find time each day to do something you enjoy.

    Giving back through volunteering also does wonders for knocking out stress.


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